Sunday, February 22, 2009

Silent Reading

I think the school gets the pupils to read every morning to get them prepared to learn early in the morning and to not waste an opportunity to learn. It also helps the pupils as reading will improve your knowledge and further improve your English. I read a lot of books because I love reading. So my answer to your second question is Yes. I love reading because it is my hobby and I can use it as a pastime. It also helps me to relax and helps me improve in my English. Last time I read children books with big words, pictures and the pages were little. But now I have progressed and can read thick books with small words and no pictures. My mother was also surprised when I read finish the book called  "New Moon" by Stephnie Meyer. she thought I skipped pages and did not read it thoroughly, but I told her I had progressed. I like to read all kinds of books. Love, mysteries and etc. I truly think that reading helps because, as I said earlier, it gives us extra knowledge and helps to improve our English language. The school library can buy new books and maybe get the pupils to write on a piece of paper, books that they want, but are not in the library. I actually do not have a favourite book because I usually like all the books I read. But if I were to choose authors, I would choose Meg Cabot, Stephnie Meyer or Enid Blyton as there books are interesting,  easy to picture in your head and is usually very unforgettable story.

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